ISO 14289-2:2024
ISO 14289-2:2024, Document management applications – Electronic document file format enhancement for accessibility – Part 2: Use of ISO 32000-2 (PDF/UA-2)
This document specifies the use of ISO 32000‑2:2020 to produce accessible electronic documents. Its provisions are identical to those of Well-Tagged PDF (WTPDF)'s conformance level for accessibility.
This part of ISO 14289 is not applicable to:
- processes for converting paper or electronic documents to the PDF/UA format;
- technical design, user interface, implementation, or operational details of presentation;
- physical methods of storing these documents such as media and storage conditions;
- required computer hardware and/or operating systems;
- requirements specific to content (beyond facilitating programmatic access and textual representation);
- requirements applying to specific classes (e.g. invoices, reports, etc.) of documents
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